I am an idiot.


New Member
Without question.

I got an external hard drive for a good deal. Maxtor One Touch III, has the option of pushing a button on the drive to immediately back up your entire computer. Cool.

Except it doesn't work for Vista and I have to back up all of my files manually until the company makes a Vista update. Whatever, that's fine. I started copying things over.

Started with my videos, music and pictures. I then deleted my videos because they were taking up so much space on my little 100GB computer hard drive (and are the reason why I wanted an external to begin with).

Then, I decided to put my C drive on the external. Bad move, considering doing so replaced the "My Videos" folder with the blank one that I just removed all of my videos from.

Now I'm out 30GB of videos. Nice.
[failed attempt at touchy feely therapist speak] You are not an idiot at all, you did do something that was totally idiotic, but you are not an idiot.[/failed attempt at touchy feely therapist speak]
So does your external drive suddenly show it has 30 more gigs free? Did you do a search ont he drive for one of the filenames? My main machine has five separate My Documents folders (from some failed installations of XP before I fixed a motherboard issue). Just because the one My Videos folder you can easily see is blank doesn't mean it's totally gone.

The one you're looking in is probably C:\Windows\Documents and Settings\your name here\My Documents\My Videos or some shit like that, and you might have moved your videos to c:\My Videos.
So does your external drive suddenly show it has 30 more gigs free? Did you do a search ont he drive for one of the filenames? My main machine has five separate My Documents folders (from some failed installations of XP before I fixed a motherboard issue). Just because the one My Videos folder you can easily see is blank doesn't mean it's totally gone.

The one you're looking in is probably C:\Windows\Documents and Settings\your name here\My Documents\My Videos or some shit like that, and you might have moved your videos to c:\My Videos.

The way mine was set up, "Documents" was strictly MS Word documents and other text documents. When you click on Start -> Documents, there is an option on the left panel for Videos, Pictures, Music, etc. To make it easier, I moved each of the latter three into the Documents folder, then I transferred each of the three to the external separately.

Only difference is, I wanted to keep my pictures and music on the laptop, so I moved those two back to their respective folders, deleted Videos, then copied the contents of the C drive to the external. I basically wrote over the video-laden folder with the blank one.
I'm sorry though, really, I've done things like that before, SUX!!

Oh look I think it's.....
