
Staff member
So, this is my 4th sucking summer in this HELL HOLE and still noone knows I am here.

The IT student whose here for the FIRST SUMMER has his name on the phone list and is included in such things as the list of people to ask about attending a retirement lunch. The receptionist came up to me today and asked if I was going because she wants to go but needs someone to cover reception. She gave me the folder, told me to take a look and if I was going that was cool she woudl stay behind but if I wasn't to let her know so she could put her order down. Well, I looked at the list and they didn't even put my fucking name down! This is my 2nd summer in this department and my 4th summer at the company and some guy who just started this summer (like 3 weeks after me even) is on the list!!!

I hate this place!

I am buying a laptop almost definately, it is the only thing that will get me through the next 4 weeks. Then I will have 2 weeks off before school and I will enjoy my lasptop thoroughly. If they want me to stay for those 2 weeks or even one of them I will laugh in their faces. The only reasonI am staying for the next 4 is to buy the laptop. Then I will get a loan from the bank of mom cause the laptop will cause me to not have enough for school come next year (I will be ok this year). I will pay her back when I finish school though since it is her retirement money.

Now, you may ask...if I hate my job so much why don't I just leave now and forget the laptop? Well, then my mom will not loan me the money if I quit. I can convince her I NEED the laptop though and thus she will loan me the money for a few years til I graduate :D
I'll do him for 5 grand Nix

On a more serious note thats the way it is here. 90% of us are agency staff and as such theres always an uproar when contracts come out that some world class advisor who has been here for 3 years is passed over for promotion or contract opportunitys by some scrote who hasnt been here 6 months and knows sweet FA about what he is doing.

I mean god damn, I know more about the manufacturing process than my friggin' boss!
Nixy said:
I mean god damn, I know more about the manufacturing process than my friggin' boss!
As you work longer, Nixy, you will find out that this is the norm, rather than the exception. :shrug:
You wanan know about the standard velcro or the fancy plactic stuff?
The regualr one is weaved on a loom and the other is made using melted plastic and some sort of mold
I know...people insist on calling my Stuart despite STEWART being on my PC, name tag, attache case and emails!!
There's this girl at work who used to travel out to our sites with me named Chris. The first year we went to different sites to save time. We both are pale, have freckles, and wear glasses. That's where the similarity ends. I have straight hair, hers is curly. I'm 5'10", she's 5'5". Our personalities are different and our voices do not sound the same.

The second year we went traveling together and at least one person at every site told us that they never knew there were two of us and thought we were the same person. I get called Chris instead of Trish a lot, still, after 2 and a half years. :shrug:
I just remembered I have this HORRIBLE picture of her from the last road trip we took. I was in a server room taking a picture of the network rack and she was standing in the doorway. As I turned to take a surprise picture of her, she screamed. It is THE WORST :laugh: I should scan it. :D

Her hair is dirty blond, not even close to my color either. :shrug: