I am SO blind


New Member
I got an eye exam the other day and the doctor was amazed that I was able to function rather normaly with my poor eyesight.

ANyway, I will be getting new glasses and contacts soon. Hopefully I will be able to post pics.

Anyone have any tricks for contacts? I have never worn them and am a little worried about ruining them or poking myself in the eye or something. :nerd:
PrincessLissa said:
I got an eye exam the other day and the doctor was amazed that I was able to function rather normaly with my poor eyesight.

ANyway, I will be getting new glasses and contacts soon. Hopefully I will be able to post pics.

Anyone have any tricks for contacts? I have never worn them and am a little worried about ruining them or poking myself in the eye or something. :nerd:

I've been wearing corrective lenses for 31 years...Contacs are great, and much less work than they used to be. I remember wearing soft lenses years ago that needed to be sterilized in a special contraption every night. That was a hassle... Now I wear glasses usually, and contacs occasionally.

Do you know what kind of contacs you'll be getting? A lot of people swear by disposables, but I've never used them. Because my vision is so poor I wear gas permeable lenses, - these are almost like hard lenses, except they allow the passage of oxygen to the eye. They're super comfortable, easy to take care of and the clarity is great. They give me much sharper vision than the soft lenses I wore years ago.

Don't worry about injuring yourself, just follow the instructions on care and handling for whatever type of contacs you get and relax! :D
I adore my contacts. Once you get used to them, you'll never want to be without them.

When it comes to putting them in, you don't poke yourself. You pretty much just place on your eye. I barely even touch mine when I put them in. The contact should naturally settle on your eye.

One tip, keep a small bottle of contact solution with you. There's nothing more irritating then a dry contact.
I wore them today and it wasn't too bad. I got them in and out pretty eaisly. But I will enjoy having my glasses for those days that I want to roll out of bed and get to my 2nd job. :)

Everything looks so pretty! The stars are all small and pinpoint dots where as before they were big huge blobs of light.
Glad to hear they're comfy Lissa. I've always been rather amazed that people willingly stick things in their eye....just the thought of having to poke my own finger in my own eye every day makes my eyes tear up!

Thank goodness I have 20/20 vision.