I am


Staff member
feeling very ill today.

I can not focus, my head hurts, I want to curl up in a ball! :(
I can not focus and my work and I need to by typing so it atleast LOOKS like I'm working!
Man, you feel like crap and you piss God off. You're not havin a good day, huh?

Can you go home at lunchtime for the day?
How did I piss God off? :confuse2:

I can go home anytime I want but I will not get paid for the hours I am not here :(

I only have one more day this week (have to go to a University open house on Friday) and then next week and I am finished!
She didn't upset ME. I just wanted to make it clear that I AM. Go home, I made this a short lived illness. :biker:

There you have it! What better permission could you get than God Almighty Himself?! :D
I can't focus on anything! I can't even focus on reading posts that are over 5 lines long! How or how am I suppose to work?!
Nix, it's time you learned, there is more to life than the almighty dollar. Although I am one of the greediest sonstabitches you'll ever meet, I go home when I'm sick. Trust me, do it now, or you'll regret it.

Don't worry, we'll save your place.
I understand. I usually work when I'm sick too, unless I'm throwing up, that's where I draw the line.
oh, if I was stomach sick I woudl not be here. I just am having trouble focusing, my head is all light. I figure, they are bitchy enough to me that they can pay me for wokring not quite so fast as usual!
Luis G said:
ok, bitchslap me and see if you feel better :)

Anything for a bitchslap ay Luis?

Well here... *bitchslaps Luis :bitchslap:*

WOW! Say I do feel better! And I wasn't even feeling poorly to begin with! Thanks Luis!
Janimal said:
WOW! Say I do feel better! And I wasn't even feeling poorly to begin with! Thanks Luis!

Ooh! Ooh! Can I try it? Huh? Can I? :D

What are the bitchslapping rules anyway? Is it possible for one of the Bitchslapping Squad members to deputize a male bitchslapper? When Nalani gets back she needs to codify the rules on bitchslapping.