I can't breath...


Staff member
...my laptop just blue screened for what I believe to be the first time...


is what was in the report it wanted to send to microsoft (but i wouldn't let it)
I agree, check for non-working fans. A few weeks ago mine almost died because some dust accumulation prevented one of the fans from spinning.
:rofl: What are the chances - I read the title of this thread and on the radio there's a song playing of a chick wailing 'Breathe...'
Inkara1 said:
You can't do a noun. You can only do a verb. "Breath" is a noun; it's a thing.

blah blah blah

I never claimed I could spell
Inkara1 said:
You can't do a noun. You can only do a verb. "Breath" is a noun; it's a thing.

But doing a nun would be kinky ;)
I noticed it too, but decided not to mention it because I'm sure I make far more mistakes.
I happened again...I dunno how to open a laptop...I also don't really have the guts to open a laptop...
Professur said:
I did send you the service manual.

Very true my dear...VERY true.

So you think I have the ability to take it apart on my own?
HomeLAN said:
Sure! The question is, can you put it back together? :D

OK fine, do you think I have the ability to take it apart, put it together and have it still work afterwards? :p
You just got a degree in engineering, and you can't follow simple blow-up instructions? Remind me not to cross any bridges in Toronto anytime soon.
Professur said:
You just got a degree in engineering, and you can't follow simple blow-up instructions? Remind me not to cross any bridges in Toronto anytime soon.

I haven't even looked at them yet...I'm just freaked out cause I've never done this before.
You've never built a bridge before either. Planning on giving that up as a career option?

But ... why are you taking in apart in the first place? What are you going in looking for?