
molṑn labé
Staff member
An American historian says that more than a million Europeans were enslaved by North African slave traders between 1530 and 1780, a time of vigorous Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal piracy.
The number of white European slaves is only a fraction of the trade that brought 10 million to 12 million black African slaves to the Americas over a 400-year period, historian Robert Davis says, but his research shows the slave trade was more widespread than commonly assumed. The impact on Europe's white population was significant.

Washington Times
Gonz said:
I believe you 'white' folks have reparations enough, thank you. ;)

Let's see what you've gotten...

All of North America, parts of Asia, South America, and all of Europe and Australia. Never mind that most of it was stolen at gunpoint from everybody that was already there, but...:shrug:
Gonz said:
Yea but we brought "you black folks" along for the ride ;)

And, after raping the women and beating the men, you gave us a taste of 'freedom'. Not fully, and not willingly, and still haven't acknowledged that we are your children.
Gato please dont hate me for saying this but not all would be our children. Some yes in cases of rape. I will say that this is what causes Black Anger is our suppression of the black man in the past. I wish racism and slavery never exsisted but they did.
freako104 said:
Gato please dont hate me for saying this but not all would be our children. Some yes in cases of rape. I will say that this is what causes Black Anger is our suppression of the black man in the past. I wish racism and slavery never exsisted but they did.

Hate to burst your bubble, Eric, but every black person in the US who cannot trace their ancestry back to Africa is most likely descended from salve-owners. Hence, we are your cousins. We are hated, not because of our skin, although that marks us a different, but because we show some of you that your ancestors were not who you thought they were.
well I never did say they could all trace them back to Africa. Some to Europe. Some to Asia and so on. Tho I will admit you are right about the last part. I have felt in the past and said(tho not on here) Hate breeds from fear as the racist sees something in the other person he sees in himself.
I have no problem assuming many of us, more that any of us umagine, are related. As long as you also admit that that it was far from "all of us" whiteys. 99% of the American caucasian population didn't own & couldn't afford slaves.

And freako, you want to know why I rail so loudly against this kind of non-sense? It's because you feel the need to write this-
Gato please dont hate me for saying this
In a world where one can't openly & honsestly discuss race without misplaced feelings of illogical guilt is one that needs a kick in the ass.
yea but I didnt want him to think of me as a racist by any means gonz. I take a lot of pride in not being racist and having the friends I do which are of all colour and religions and backgrounds.
Precisely what I'm talking about.

It's okay to have an opinion that doesn't fall in lock-step with the NAACP & still know you're not racist.
so your saying a lot of this is pure BS making me feel guilty that I am white and dont always agree with NAACP? if so it is once again the whole idea of PC going too far in my eyes.
Be white (well, less brown) & be proud. We've had more good guys than bad. Do not be ashamed of your heritage. Well, maybe the Squiggy side is a little embarassing but overall, we're good people.

Never apologize for your opinions. Only apologize for wrongs committed by you.
You know Prof said I shouldnt apologise for my opinions as well. But for what my ancestors did I do feel bad to be honest. but I am proud of who I am just as we all should be(unless your Michael Jackson or an N suck member)