I didn't do it!


Well-Known Member
So I'm driving down the road this morning and I notice that these two pups from down the road have been hit ... it looked .. well, weird because they were both hit and were lying in the middle of the road not two feet from each other. They weren't puppy puppies - maybe about 6 months old and really cute ... I left before ku'u so I knew she didn't do it (in case anyone was wondering) ... It was like someone intentionally ran them down .. they were cute dogs ... for sure they were always on the road and I don't know who they belonged to cause they're all over the place ...

anyway, I called Animal Control to let them know and do you know what they told me? They said they only deal with "live" animal situations ... dang ... so I called the Humane Society and left a message cause no one was there.
Thats a bit disturbing. I don't really see roadkill that much. If I do it is raccoons or chipmunks.
sounds cold, but you should have called your city's cleaning dependency instead.
Maybe Ku'u is trying to frame you. After all, you have been kidnapped a couple of times before...:D ;)
nalani said:
Luis G said:
sounds cold, but you should have called your city's cleaning dependency instead.

I would have .. if we had one

so are you saying that your city doesn't take care about keeping the city clean? :eek:
Luis - we have the county that cleans up but I figured since there were two and it was early in the morning, I would try to call the animal control guys ...

Prof - these dogs are all over the road all the time ... must belong to someone on the road, just don't know who ..
If they're not big enough to cause an accident, leave 'em. The scavengers'll get 'em soon enough.
you know, when I was in Texas I asked my cousin who comes and picks up all the dead animals on the side of the road .. she said no one cause the vultures and buzzards take care of them .. we don't have those here ... they have to get picked up or they cause health hazards ...
kuulani said:
I screamed when I saw the two pups ... I initially thought it was a dog cut in half :retard:

so did I .. I didn't see any marks on the bigger dog though, but it wasn't moving and it was surrounded by flies too ... :(
I live out in the boonies, so there's ALWAYS roadkill around of all kinds. Cats, dogs, birds, skunks, raccoons, possum, squirels, rabbits, etc. So much so that our county contracts with a company to clean dead animals off the sides of the roads. What a lousy job that must be.