I don't hear Obama complaining that he inherited this


Well-Known Member
Obama claims jobs which were created under the Bush administration. Imagine that.


Obama Admin Touts Jobs Created Under Bush

by Joy Lin | October 21, 2010

Fifty thousand jobs. That's the number of wind farm jobs the Obama Administration says were created by stimulus funding in 2009. Only problem? They're taking credit for jobs created during former President George W. Bush's term.

The Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University found that, of the 70 major wind farms that received $4.4 billion in federal energy grants through the stimulus program, 11 stood up their wind towers during the Bush Administration. More than a quarter of the wind farms, a total of 19, were built before any stimulus money was distributed.

Their fact check, using government documents, cast doubt on claims made about job creation by Matt Rogers, tasked by Secretary Steven Chu to administer stimulus funding at the Department of Energy.

"The energy tax incentives under the Recovery Act have been effective in creating jobs quickly and restarting industries that were on the verge of shutting down," Rogers said during his congressional testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee on April 14.

Approached by the journalism workshop with the finding that a large portion of work on many projects was completed before 2009, Rogers defended the program as a vital tool to ensure reinvestment in wind farms. Still, the grant program has no language requiring that recipients reinvest their grant money in the United States. Rogers said he was basing his claim on company reports that they reinvested their grants in future wind projects in the U.S.

Stephanie Mueller, press secretary at the Department of Energy, said in a statement, "The Recovery Act converted a tax credit that had been rendered ineffective due to the economic downturn into a grant, restarting projects that were stalled in 2008 and jumpstarting new ones. This put more than 50,000 additional people to work last year on both new and existing wind projects."

The American University non-profit previously reported that 80 percent of the money in clean-energy grants handed out by the government went to foreign-owned developers, and that the majority of turbines being installed were built by foreign-owned manufacturers.
I'm going OTCing on this thread....:D

I hear politicians on the stump talking about conservative values they have, but
people need to be asking them....
Did you vote 'Yes' for TARP?
Did you vote 'Yes' for the Stimulus?
Did you vote 'Yes' for the Healthcare law?
If you voted 'Yes' for at least 2 out of 3 of these, then I can't vote 'Yes' for you.
Neither government, nor its employees, create jobs. They destroy them. The suppress them. They regualte them. They don't make them.

End of story.
do you not believe that wal-mart is a bureaucracy?

One could see it that way -- although one would also have to compare the ability of Wal-Mart to create jobs through hiring and working with their own funds created through profit; and government "creation" of jobs funded entirely by coercively gleaned monies taken from those who would otherwise create jobs with those funds. Government makes no profit. They decrease the profit of others.
Get your ass over to Wal-Mart right now or we will send people to your house to make you comply.



We don't have that power?

<Emily Litella> Never mind. </Emily Litella>
Yeppers. However, without power to force your hand, it means nothing to an outsider.
... as long as it doesn't inconvenience you, it seems.

sounds like pussy communist excuse-making to me.

nah you coulda stood by principles and looked for other work. well, i guess values have a price. for some.
I accepted the position before I knew it was a union job. The union did nothing for me but took my money gladly.