i feel like total crap tonight



you ever get summer cold symptoms? hot one minute and cold the next? sore throat and runny nose? sweaty chills? light headedness? man, it's so much fun.

total crap, i tell ya :circle:
Dammit, why'd you have to say that? Now my nose is getting stuffy, I was fine a minute ago! Lousy power of suggestion... *ACHOO*
Funny you should mention that. I've felt like crud since Monday or Tuesday. My head feels like it's overstuffed with cotton balls, my sinuses are draining, my throat is raw... yeah, I guess it's a summer cold. It wouldn't be so bad, except both of the children have it too, and I'm stuck here with them by myself. (Gives Janimal a pathetic self-pitying look.) :( The redhead is miserable, and he's making me twice as miserable as I would otherwise be. He's trying to play and have a normal day, but every so often he remembers that he's sick and comes over to crawl up in my lap and kick the keyboard. He was sitting here with me earlier and we were moaning in chorus. Ughhhhhhh!

Damn, he's back. :(
ugh, I've got that one right now too. 3 weeks ago I started with an unknown virus, just high fever and blinding headache. Then without a break, I came down with the flu, which was lovely, too. Now, I've developed a summer cold, which, all in all, is a heck of a lot better than the other stuff. Compared to the last couple weeks, I feel GREAT! :D
You are no longer the newest Bastich, HomeLAN.

Congrats, s4! :headbang:

thanks, that makes me feel so much better. :coffee:

got a stuffy nose this morning but doing a little better so far.
Hey Ess... I'll make you a deal. I'll take care of you if you take care of me. M'kay?

I'm home today from work. Woke up, got ready to go in, and just couldn't make it out the front door. Tired as hell. So I wound up sleeping until 2!!!

So.. here's a tissue, blow that stuff from your nose and get me some damn tea, wouldja??? And if you don't, I'll get Na to bitchslap you

It's gettin' late again. I feel just as crappy as I did when I posted this thread. Anybody got some extra vitamin C? :circle: