I feel so dirty!...


He's been reading here today...

He knows everything...

all I feel is sick! Sick to my stomach... I explain in more detail on the end of my "This isn't acceptable is it." thread!

I feel so bad for hurting him... what i said wasn't bad though was it? was it grounds for dumping? Maybe its just the fact I share my thoughts and feelings on here that he finds hard to handle...

however, his contact with my sister only makes me feel relieved that is one WEIRD thing to do... especially over nothing!!!!!
ClaireBear said:
He's been reading here today...

He knows everything...

all I feel is sick! Sick to my stomach... I explain in more detail on the end of my "This isn't acceptable is it." thread!

I feel so bad for hurting him... what i said wasn't bad though was it? was it grounds for dumping? Maybe its just the fact I share my thoughts and feelings on here that he finds hard to handle...

however, his contact with my sister only makes me feel relieved that is one WEIRD thing to do... especially over nothing!!!!!
Tell ya what....give me 3 reasons why you should feel guilty for anything thats happened without sounding completely subservient and I'll tell you that you were in the wrong.
I agree with Steweykins. This guy sounds like one of those guys that turns girls into "one of those girls". Honestly, how far are you going to let this go? How many posts are you going to make? If you are not being treated right, than how can you use love as an excuse? It starts out as, "he was just tired and cranky that day, I should have been nicer", and it turns into "he didn't mean to break my nose, I shouldn't have done whatever triggered it".

Please do not be one of those stupid girls. I have said this before and I really hope you will take it to heart. Let this butthole figure out his own shit and why he acts the way he does before you get involved with it.
ClaireBear said:
He's been reading here today...

He knows everything...

all I feel is sick! Sick to my stomach... I explain in more detail on the end of my "This isn't acceptable is it." thread!

I feel so bad for hurting him... what i said wasn't bad though was it? was it grounds for dumping? Maybe its just the fact I share my thoughts and feelings on here that he finds hard to handle...

however, his contact with my sister only makes me feel relieved that is one WEIRD thing to do... especially over nothing!!!!!
He probably needs to know that a bunch of people think he's an asshole. If he wishes to defend himself, he's more than welcome to join up and explain himself.
Inkara1 said:
He probably needs to know that a bunch of people think he's an asshole. If he wishes to defend himself, he's more than welcome to join up and explain himself.

I'd prefer it if he didn't!!!!

I just want to forget about all this.. its over... the end... finite!
ClaireBear said:
He's been reading here today...

He knows everything...

all I feel is sick! Sick to my stomach... I explain in more detail on the end of my "This isn't acceptable is it." thread!

I feel so bad for hurting him... what i said wasn't bad though was it? was it grounds for dumping? Maybe its just the fact I share my thoughts and feelings on here that he finds hard to handle...

however, his contact with my sister only makes me feel relieved that is one WEIRD thing to do... especially over nothing!!!!!

he hurt you. does that count for anything? Maybe its the fact he is a fuckwad and didnt like to be put into a bad light but because he was and you are willing to now stick up for yourself he ended it before you did. He doesnt want a girlfriend or a wife. he wants a bitch
freako104 said:
he hurt you. does that count for anything? Maybe its the fact he is a fuckwad and didnt like to be put into a bad light but because he was and you are willing to now stick up for yourself he ended it before you did. He doesnt want a girlfriend or a wife. he wants a bitch
Ding ding we have a winner :)
Inkara1 said:
He probably needs to know that a bunch of people think he's an asshole. If he wishes to defend himself, he's more than welcome to join up and explain himself.

OR.. he is curious as to what she has been saying, but couldn't give a rats ass to sign up and defend himself to a bunch of people he doesn't know nor cares to ever know. :shrug: