I feel yucky


Staff member
I am all stuffed up and sick. I am trying to study for a economics test tomorrow and it is NOT happening. Everything the perfect man says or does pretty much is annoying me and I am ready to scream cause I am so stuffed up :(
Well, he didn't say that but if he did I'd prolly get mad for him being so farward even though normally I LIKE forward
Yes, my nose. I am drinking hot chocolate right now I am am having troubles swallowing it. My throat is not sore but it doesn't want me to swallow.
I was at the doctor yesterday (unrelated reasons) and she checked my throat just because there is a thing going around and she was gonna give me an early heads up if anythign looked not normal but she said all was ok :(
1) Stop drinking pop and consuming anything with sucrose. Sucrose kills your immune system. In fact, a pop kills your immune system for about 3 hours.

2) Boost your immune system. There is a natural supplement made by Moducare. It is plant sterols and sterolins for the body's immune system. They are unfortunately $70 for 100 pills (and you have to take it 3 times a day when ill), but they WORK!

3) Cut down on anything that will cause your body to redirect energy from healing. That includes meat :p (digestive system consumes second most energy of all... sex of course consumes most energy of all)

Gato_Solo said:
More vegetarian propaganda? :D It takes longer to digest celery than a slice of ham. :D
However celery is made of amino acids and enzymes.... it requires virtually no energy to digest. Ham on the other hand is made of protein. Protein which puts a load on the system and requires the body to excrete certain enzymes to attempt to break it down. Most fruit and vegetables break down by themselves for most part. :) That eases the strain on the body, which is helpful when you are ill.
I do not drink pop anyway. I am not paying that much for pills and if I get the opportunity to have sex while still sick I am NOT turning it down!!!

Thank you for trying to help though :hug:
Um, I seem to recall that celery takes more to digest than it supplies.

Geez, Nixy. You having trouble swallowing .....;)
Once again, the facts are obscured by propaganda. Fruits and vegetables do not break down by themselves. They need just as much, if not more in some cases, than fish or chicken. I chose celery because of that, and you fell right into it. ;)
ive heard something like this,

""celery has negative calories, because it takes more to digest it than it actually has"

or something.

but then, wouldlt any zero-calorie food be the same?
Celery and apples I have heard you actually burn calories by eatting them.

I got some decongestants at the drug store. I can breath and swallow again now :)
Hello people, this thread is about Nixy!! Stop turning this into a veggie thread :p

*waves magic wand to make Nixy feel better, hoping it'll reach Canada*