I got a present *happy dance*


Well-Known Member
Lookit Lookit Lookit!

Some of my summer school students gave me a present ... homemade bath salts and candy :)


present.jpg, 25.48kb

Lucky... Most of the teachers over here in the USA (note the fact that I did not refer to it as "the rest of the USA", so as not to activate your bitch-slapping mechanism... nice nalani... good nalani... *backs off nervously*) would get a death threat for a present, considering all the rebellious fucktards for teenagers we have. :eek:
fury said:
(note the fact that I did not refer to it as "the rest of the USA", so as not to activate your bitch-slapping mechanism... nice nalani... good nalani... *backs off nervously*)

you should be more worried about getting bitchslapped for not having humped me or Leslie :D
fury said:
(note the fact that I did not refer to it as "the rest of the USA", so as not to activate your bitch-slapping mechanism... nice nalani... good nalani... *backs off nervously*)

be afraid ... be very afraid ...

unclehobart said:
Don't I qualify for a hump from you two? At least I'm in your relative age bracket.

hmmm... are you talking about getting a hump from fury, me, or Leslie? :D
i was really touched when the head of the student association at the wsa gave me a book for helping her over the last two years. beautiful book on a wonderful finnish architect, alvar aalto.
Flav-o-flav, Look at the thread 'Do I look like a dyke' for an explanation. I'll be damned if I type it longhand again.
Cant be verified unless you put your vitals into the mix, laddie. I'm 33 and change. That makes me 16/17 ths and change towards being double his age. I dare say its a good enough fraction to at least be worthy of consideration.