I hate Monday


Major contributor!
It always the same. More things get screwed up on Monday than any other day. Today the laptop guys called and said that I had to call TeleCheck and fix whatever issue they had with me first before they would send the two laptops.

Great. I got a guy waiting for $3000 in laptops and they haven't shipped the damn things yet.

Called this TeleCheck company, whoever they are, and they said that the problem was because the account is new. Duh... It's a new company. So how the hell do I fix it? They jacked my rating up as high as they could until more checks start flowing through. Fuck me running. I do everything through debit. I'm on like check 12....close to 15K has filtered though the account but only 12 damn checks. The biggest one being a measly $350. These guys are looking for big checks that have cleared. Their idea of a big check is $2000.

Crap. Ok. Call former boss and explain everything. He'll square me away if he needs to.

: phew :

Ok. I'll have to overnight them....from Mass. Fuck..that'll run me a pretty fucking penny. Oh well. I gotta get these things to him ASAP.

Next problem. This wonderful POS OS called XP will not do a software mirror. Crap. :yard Adaptec RAID controller out of other box:

Now I gotta lay 200 feet of CAT6 tomorrow. I bet it'll fucking rain on me. I know it will. It's a damn conspiracy I telll you. They're all after me.

:eek6: :lol:

Ok. Missy will be back Wednesday. Not sure where I'll be Thursday. Bed or work. Haven't got that far yet.
Sorry to hear about your day. :(

I rather like Mondays. In fact, they are probably my favorite day of the week. But ... I get Sunday and Monday's off. The husband works Mondays, so I get Monday's off and to myself. :) Love Them. :D
Let me get this straight. You haven't been laid in forever, you are sole provider for the kids & you are a new entrepeneur & you're blaming all this on Mondays? :lol2:
I sure as hell ain't blaming myself and if I blame the wife person, she's gonna see this and then I'm really screwed cause she won't give me any.

You should probably write a check for that overnight express bill.

I'm kinda surprised you haven't heard of TeleCheck, though. It's similiar to SCAN, which is a cooperative of a bunch of retailers who report when you've bounced a check. If you have a bounced check at one SCAN member that's unpaid, you can't write a check at any other SCAN retailer, even if your checking accoutn is till in good standing.
PostCode said:
I sure as hell ain't blaming myself and if I blame the wife person, she's gonna see this and then I'm really screwed cause she won't give me any.

Wouldn't that be "unscrewed" then?????
(Sorry, I had to)

Inky's right about Telechek, I don't know how big you are now, but if you end up taking a lot of checks, it can pay for itself in pretty short order. They go after the deadbeats so you don't have to.