I hate stupid people!


Staff member
This morning I was driving home from dropping my mom at work (I drop her at work then go home and get ready myself because I start an hour later than her). So anyway, I was driving in the outside lane of a 4 lane street (2 lanes each way) and an ambulance is coming in the inside lane going the same direction as me. There was one vehecile (a Chrysler SUV of some sort) in that lane and it almost right beside me. So, I sped up so she coudl get in behind me and let the ambulance through but she didn't change lanes so I pulled off as close to the curb as possible (my tires rubbed against the curb) so if there wasn't enough room between me and the car behind me for her liking (in actuality there was TONS of space for her to fit) atleast she could pull over a bit into my lane and let the amubulance squeeze by but she didn't. So, the ambulnce had to wait until the turning lane started, pull out there and the go around the island to continue going straight out of the turning lane. To make things worse when it wanted to go through the intersection the light going the other direction was green and a car going the opposite direction could have EASILY stopped and let the amubulance go through but ti didn't! Nobody on the road did anything to help it and two idiots hindered it. The SUV bitch by making them have to slow down and then pull out in the turn lane when they were going straight and the car going the other direction who didn't stop when it SO could have! :mad2: I have fucking idiots like that SO much!
You guys don't pull off the road and stop for ambulances? That's what we're supposed to do here. Of course there are often idiots who either don't see/hear the ambulance or just want to wait until the last minute before giving them some room.
Yes, if we can pull off we are suppose to but there was a curb right at the edge of this road so it was not possible. If we can not pull off the road we are suppose to pull in another lane if the amubulance is coming up behind us. That is why I sped up and moved over so I was hitting the curb so the lady in the other lane (in front of the amubulance) coudl get over but being the bitch she was she didn't change lanes.

When we stopped at a light after I could see she had this bitchy expression on her face like she had been inconvenienced in some way by the amubulance when in reality she had done nothing different than what she was doing before it showed up and even if she had they are just trying to save someone's life! You think she coudl atleast let them get through faster so they have a better chance at that! Fucking bitch! :bash:
That's what all drivers are supposed to do. But most aren't smart enought to know that you should filter through an intersection even on the red to let pass an ambulance. They just sit there like sheep. That's all they really are, aren't they.
The car going the other direction pisse dme off too cause the amubulance actually had to stop while it went across the ambulance's path! GRR!
It irritates me to no end that people so often do not get the fu** out of the way to let emergency personel through. They have no realization that it could be someone they love that they are keeping them from. Or any realization that some prick/bitch might hold up their ambulance one day.
One day I'm on my way home from work. I see an ambulance coming from the opposite direction about a mile down the road (4 lane highway, 2 lanes each way, w/turning lane). There is a car in front of me about 10-12 car lengths, no other cars around us, no cars blocking the ambulance on the other side. This bitch in front of me suddenly slams on the breaks and I almost cream her from behind and almost lost it trying not to hit her. I pulled up beside her and gave her that "die bitch, DIE" look.
you are supposed to pull out of the way for any emergency vehicle. this bitch is jsut that. a bitch. she dont care about anything else but ehrself. if she did she would have fucking moved. bitch is an understatement nixy. ards, we do. were supposed to. they are there to help those who need help. i hope someone slows hers down so she knows how it is when th ambulance or firetruck or cop is late cause of some fuckhead who wont move.
New York State law:

§ 1144. Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles.

(a) Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle equipped with at least one lighted lamp exhibiting red light visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of five hundred feet to the front of such vehicle other than a police vehicle or bicycle when operated as an authorized emergency vehicle, and when audible signals are sounded from any said vehicle by siren, exhaust whistle, bell, air-horn or electronic equivalent; the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right of way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway, or to either edge of a one-way roadway three or more lanes in width, clear of any intersection, and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.

Yeah. Ok.

While responding to a cardiac arrest call, we had to STOP the ambulance and get out and tell the person in front of us to MOVE THEIR CAR at an intersection. (we had a barrier to our left and couldn't get around her).

It amazed me in the years that I drove an ambulance how stupid and inconsiderate people can be. Either they don't notice because they're not paying attention, their radio is too loud, or like Prof said, they act like sheep because they don't know whether to obey the red stop light in front of them or the red flashing light behind them. :mad2:

Don't even get me started. ;)
Yeah, I saw that trap happen to an ambulance once around the nearest mall to me, except it was two cars in the left lane, and there was almost no cross traffic either coming out of a side entrance to the mall. The ambulance made as much noise as they could, and they still wouldn't budge. Morons.
Amazingly, people here in California tend to move over for ambulances.

Now, my stupid person story: Brandi and I were on the freeway today, heading home. It's a three-lane-per-direction freeway. Anyways, there are these three motorcycles, doing about the same speed I was (70-75 mph). Next thing I know, they started popping wheelies right there on the freeway at the same speed! Now, one of my constant fears is being right behind a motorcycle when the driver eats it, so I backed off and got into the slow lane and stayed back. They kept doing it at least for the three or so miles until my exit; I have no idea if they continued or crashed or what.