I hate to ask


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a copy of Mac OS 9.2? I've got an IMac 400dv here that crashes at startup with Finder error 41. Research showed that the fix appears to be booting from cd and reinstalling Finder. Unfortunately, as this machine was left here as it's last step before the dumpster, I don't even have a mouse or keyboard to go with it, never mind the original cds.
Professur said:
Does anyone have a copy of Mac OS 9.2? I've got an IMac 400dv here that crashes at startup with Finder error 41. Research showed that the fix appears to be booting from cd and reinstalling Finder. Unfortunately, as this machine was left here as it's last step before the dumpster, I don't even have a mouse or keyboard to go with it, never mind the original cds.
There's a lady whose computer I work on whose got one of those IMacdv's too. I'll call her when I get home and see if'n she's got one.
I'd be so grateful. I hate being so close and not able to finish. It had come in unable to boot, and I tracked it to a dud DIMM. Those don't take standard ram, do they? Last mac I worked on was all SCSI. This thing looks almost Intel.
Professur said:
I'd be so grateful. I hate being so close and not able to finish. It had come in unable to boot, and I tracked it to a dud DIMM. Those don't take standard ram, do they? Last mac I worked on was all SCSI. This thing looks almost Intel.
I'm pretty sure they do, actually. SDR, if I'm right and it seems like it matters what speed.
I admit it. I'm spoiled. I'm so used to having the IBM and HP databases at my fingertips with all the answers. This is like being a nubie again.
I could see if I could somehow try to burn a copy at work or something; we're on 9.2 there. Can't guarantee anything though.

iMacs take standard RAM. The original, push-a-button-and-a-laptop-CD-drive-pops-out iMacs from 1998 use laptop RAM, the ones in that same style but with the slot-loading CD drive use PC100, and I'm not sure about the LCD screen iMacs.
umm, I got a dvd off ebay with all these manuals for the different macs on it... makes interesting reading.
Prof, she can't find the disc that came with hers. She says she'll keep looking, but if I know her...