I have the best free website!!!


Well-Known Member
My websites been up for well over a year now without me touching it and it still looks as beautiful as the day it was created. No popops, good bandwidth and only one small add at the top of each page that really doesn't look all that bad.
I've tried really hard not to tell anyone about this place but i'm going to let you all in on it. This place really is great considering it's free.

Do you know for a fact that it's reliable over time? Seems to me that's where the problems usually arise with free sites.
I've tried dozens and always seem to have trouble with them over time whether it's bandwith or the site changing on me.
This one is tested and approved by me!
I have been at 50g.com for quite awhile. I think I have had that space for around 2 years now. There are crappy popups though. I edit them out though of my webpages by making the popup smaller:D It seems to work sometimes.