I hit 200 again...

Stop Laughing

New Member
...which makes me better than Todd Hundley. :D No, I mean I got 200 mines again in minesweeper. Who was it that took the challenge last time (kuu, I think), anyone wanna try it themselves, see if they can match it? Also, is this a little too sadistic? :D


mines2.jpg, 104.35kb

ok, i set it to 30x24 and 200 mines, is that correct? (cause it certainly matches the attached pic :D )
Yeah, I'd say 397 isn't bad for 200 mines (30x24 is the size limit, BTW), but I didn't worry about the time. Hell, beating it at all is huge, I don't care if it's under 400 or 999. Right from the start (except the first square of course), the odds of a random space being a bomb is more than 1 in 4! Often you'll see situations where a total guess is what it comes down to, and 2 out of 3 free is sometimes the best you're gonna get. Advice: do guesses early, no point in playing it out if you're gonna miss the guess anyways. Be careful though, sometimes you may see a situation where it may be good to wait until the end to see how many mines are left to see where free squares might be. It takes a lot more luck than skill to get through it, and a lot of free time and even more patience. :cool:
i used to play a lot that game, time to remember my the patterns i discovered.

I agree, there are some situations were you just have to make a wild guess, with no logic involved.

on the other hand, have you ever seen an 8 ??
yes, i tried to take the challenge, still didn't do it :(

...i can shotgun a beer though without spilling a drop :headbang: