
Staff member
Why there aren't any good pics of our house in Newfoundland which my parents built themselves...or of my Dad's truck which was his baby...UGH trying to find pics so my aunt can paint a painting for my mom for Christmas...*screams and pulls out hair*

What baffles you?
I don't understand why they say you're taking a dump when you're actually leaving it.
Many things baffle me.

A short list:

1. Gonz :D

2. Why kamikaze pilots wear helmets.

3. Anyone voting for Hillary Clinton for any office.

4. The popularity of "reality TV".

5. Why McDonald's continues to call Thousand Island dressing "special sauce".

6. How any rational thinking person could proclaim an opposition to big intrusive government and still martyr Dictator Lincoln.

7. Why we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway.

8. Why 90% of the musical acts on the planet have a recording contract.
I can explain the helmets on the kaikaze pilots (if that's allowed in this thread). their radios. The earphones were in the helmet.
You know what? I can't find my junior prom pics either... oh, wait, I didn't go to my junior prom.