I just got a notice from the public library...


Well-Known Member
...that i have twelve overdue books. You know they say the library is free but i bet my library fines per year are probably half of what i spend on movies.
HeXp£Øi± said:
...that i have twelve overdue books. You know they say the library is free but i bet my library fines per year are probably half of what i spend on movies.

Looks like you're keeping them in business. :)

The same thing just happened to me 'cept I can't find the book... Looks like I shall have to pay to replace it.:(

at uni the student limit is 10 books, with fines capped at 5quid per book.

for staff the limit is 25. with no fines D

as i got on with the librarian really well [few favours in teaching] she regularly let me have 30+ books out. sometimes they were so late they got declared lost D D
at uni we don't pay fines, unless you didn't return the book on time.

The last time i forgot to return it, they requiered me to "donate" a book.
<joe pesci in Lethal Weapon>They F*CK you at the library!!!</joe pesci>

I think I'd be a terrible librarian cos I wouldn't have the heart to charge people huge amounts of money. I'd say "ah sure leave it at a fiver" or something.

Oh, and coincidentally, I'm actually a qualified librarian :blush: :)
I worked at a public library once to fill in some comminunity work service. Have to say i kind of enjoyed it.