I just got one!


New Member
My first Nigerian scam letter in over a year... lol.


Dr Owoyemi Olatunde
Account and Audit Dept
Union Bank Plc.

Dear Robert Strader,
I am Dr Owoyemi Olatunde,the director incharge of account and
audit dept of Union Bank Plc.I am the account officer in
charge of Dr.George Strader account,
who Have work with chevron/texaco Nigeria
limited,here in Nigeria. on the 27th of january
2003,my client,his wife and their three children were
involved in ikeja bomb blast here in my country.
Dr.George and his family unfortunately lost their
lives.since then i have made several enquiries to your
embassy to locate any of my clients extended
relatives,this has also proved unsuccessful.after
these several unsuccessful attempts, i decided to do
some research in the internet, to locate any member of
his family. hence i contacted you.
I have contacted you to assist me in repatriating the
money and property left behind by Dr.George before
they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by my
bank where these huge deposits were
lodged.particularly,the Union bank of nigeria
plc,lagos branch where my client deposited
us$11.4million dollars.my bank has issued me a notice
to provide the next of kin or have the account
confiscated within the next ten official working days.
since i have been unsuccessful in locating the
relatives for over 2 years now i seek your consent to
present you as the next of kin of the deceased, so
that the proceeds of this account valued at
us$11.4million dollars can be transferred to your
account there in your country,then you and me can
share the money. i have all necessary informations
that back up the claim you may make, all i require is
your honest co-operation to enable us see this deal

I guarantee that this will be executed under
legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any
breach of the law.please indicate your readiness to
assist me,so that all the informations about this
funds will be passed to you immediately.

you should send to me:
your Full names:
your Telephone number for easy communication:
your Age:
your occupation:

And also assure me of your trust and remember that the
trust in business is confidentiality.so let it be only
between me and you.if you give me your full
co_operation and this transaction is properly
executed,i am prepared to give you 45% of the total
sum for your kind assistance.45% will be for me and
10% percent will be for any expences we may incure
along in this transaction.please get in touch with me
by my private email to enable us discuss further:
Thank you very much for
your understanding.

Best regards.
Dr Owoyemi Olatunde

Please view these websites below to confirm what i am
telling you and get back to me.
I've added my SSN, mothers maiden name, all bank accounts, passwords, copies of my signature, birthdate.... just to make it go through faster!

I can't wait! I'll buy my way out of ignorance yet!
Oh Goodie! I think I'll just go ahead and start my ebay shopping spree! And I've always wanted a piece of the true cross and for just a million dollars! OOOH! And diamonds!
OK, here's the plan. We need to set up a collective dummy account...just in case ;)
I wonder what the standards are for a doctorate over there are... the utter inconsistent capitalization of 'i', proper nouns, and the start of sentences is just tooooo sexy.