I just installed Ubuntu

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
It's time I had a Linux OS and I've heard this one is very user friendly... so far it certainly seems to be. :)
Already into command line or just getting the feel of the gui?

I'll give you a tip: do not install the upgrades offered unless you know what you are installing. Very few are actually critical updates. I say this because I've seen system going useless after upgrading the kernel and gnu libraries.
Well, I can do the usual file management in Dos... it's required for the comptia a+. I've done some command line in Mandrake, but it's over 2 and 1/2 years since I did any.

In Ubuntu the root is locked down... this prevents you from screwing it up badly. The user you create at installation can access the root when required using their own password... there is no root password.


I've got Breezy Badger (5.10) and have registered for a copy of the new version when it comes out in June (6.06). I've already updated it(157 files) and been having fun installing bits and bobs with no problems at all. I've also installed the console as it doesn't come as standard in the default installation and I think I'm gonna like this flavour of Linux very much.

The wiki on the website and the #ubuntu channel on irc.freenode.net are really helpful. I was having fun in x-chat within minutes of finishing the installation. Mandrake was never that easy. I'd say that for someone who's more used to windows like me this could be the OS that turns 'em on to Linux.
Isn't ubuntu what you want to do after someone hits an usingleu, when there are less than two uoutsu, to uadvanceu the runner to usecondu? :lloyd:
the window manager isn't that big of a problem, you can run your apps with either.

As for me, give me a console and I'll make my way through :D
I just installed Mandrake for the 5th time...this time I might actually use it! I want to learn BIND and either VOCAL or Asterisk....and all three are Linux apps, so let's see how this goes.

Aunty, do you like Ubuntu better than the 2.5 year old Mandrake distro you were using? Or is it too early to tell?
Well considering it took me minutes and not hours to install new apps... I have to go with Ubuntu on that. It's so much easier to use and I love the help files.

I've also been browsing my 2kpro installation in the ntfs partition which took me days to figure out on Mandrake. Plus the games are fun... lol