I just WON something!!


Kissy Goddess
Ok - there's this morning news program that I like to watch called Breakfast Television (CityTV Edmonton). I was up really REALLY early this morning with Maia and while making lunches for the family, I was watching the show.

Apparently it's Cadbury's (chocolate) 100th anniversary and they sent in a $200.00 package to the TV station to give away.

Their contest was to write in with an answer to: "Which celebrity would you like to sing a duet with?" So I wrote in my answer... Brigette. She is actually my favorite TV personality EVER! She also happens to work on that show :D

First, they read my email.

An hor later (9:00 am) they drew my name! YAY!

I love winning stuff no matter how useless it is :)

Has anyone here ever won anything?
I won a season of Sex in the Cuty once...dunno what I did with it. I meant to give it to Homelan's wife...I should figure that out.
I won a vaccuum cleaner from the Navy exchange once.
I won a season of Sex in the Cuty once..

I would ask you to correct the spelling,but my imagination is having too much fun with it.
only things I've ever won were a polariod camera at the first work christmas party (won nothing in the 9 years since) that I can't afford to put film in ... and a linksys wireless router .... which I've no use for ... since I've already got a better Belkin one.
Yeah, the radio station I listened to in Boston has this thing during the summer where they "hire" somebody every hour to work for them, paying them $100 an hour, until someone else is hired. Basically, they call your name and you have 10 minutes to call in and get "hired". Well I had my name called, so I called in and was hired. Needless to say, the next three people didn't call in, so I made $400!

I got my name called again the next summer, but somebody called in in the next hour so I only made $100 that time.

That's about it, unless you want to hear about gambling wins...
Best thing I ever won was a set of Tony Lama cowboy boots. Re-soled them twice before the uppers got so bad I has to throw them away.

Seen several concerts over the year that I wouldn't have otherwise gone to. The two that really stand out in my mind are both from the late eighties. Devo (at least as weird as you might expect) and the Monkees (less Mike Nesmith). Weird Al opened for the Monkees and that's the only reason I didn't give the tickets away. He was great.
Won a 5 day Mexican cruise from the A/V store where I worked. I traded it in for a CD player, a Hi-FI VCR & a receiver (back in the 80s)
Yeah, the radio station I listened to in Boston has this thing during the summer where they "hire" somebody every hour to work for them, paying them $100 an hour, until someone else is hired. Basically, they call your name and you have 10 minutes to call in and get "hired". Well I had my name called, so I called in and was hired. Needless to say, the next three people didn't call in, so I made $400!

One of the Nashville stations did that too, and I got "hired" on a Thursday, which paid double...$200/hour. I made $800.

Other than a free pass to the skating rink when I was 9, and some baseball MVP trophies, that's it that I remember.
I won the Christmas raffle in Hilo when I spent some time out there with Na and the family. I think it was somewhere around $125.
At last sunday's meeting, I did a role-play to demonstrate how you need to listen to the customers. The premise was that it was a blind date and I was this total jerk ccity employee, and I didn't listen to the girl, who was the equivalent of the customer. The role-play, unlike most of what comes outta corporate, was actually pretty well written, and I thought I acted pretty well.

Then they gave me a ticket and did a raffle at the end of it. They were giving away a ticket for a free CD or DVD worth up to $19.99.

Well, what they forgot was that there was a special sale that morning where every CD $9.99-$13.99 was on sale for $9.99, so everyone got to get TWO $13.99 CDs with the coupon.

I got the Braveheart soundtrack and the Best of Bowie.
only things I've ever won were a polariod camera at the first work christmas party (won nothing in the 9 years since) that I can't afford to put film in ... and a linksys wireless router .... which I've no use for ... since I've already got a better Belkin one.

Wireless router eh? How much ya want for it? I want to get one and if I can save a few bucks and you can make a few then we all win (as long as the mail if more cooperative this time around).
And to answer the question...I won a pass for four to the opening night of the Chinese Lantern festival at Ontario Place in a draw at work (the pass was donated and the money they got from selling tickets went to charity)...other than that I think I've only won on slots...my mom has been to Cityline in Toronto twice and won both times...electric fireplace the first time and a year subscription to a magazine the second.
So here's the goods...
(BTW: I must have a horse shoe up my ass cuz I win stuff all the time)
Wireless router eh? How much ya want for it? I want to get one and if I can save a few bucks and you can make a few then we all win (as long as the mail if more cooperative this time around).

Bring a case of decent beer and we'll call it quits.