I know I should be flattered, but ...


Well-Known Member
..come on, now .. here's the scene:

I picked my son up at the mall after school and was driving to pick up my daughter. There was a car behind me that I noticed in my rear view mirror with just a guy driving .. no big deal. He was behind me pretty much the whole way. Anyway, going down one stretch of the highway, I was behind a tour bus. I didn't go around it because I needed to stay in that right lane. The car behind me went into the lane to the left and drove up beside me .. I didn't think anything at first, except he wasn't going any faster and if he was trying to get around me, he should have been speeding up. I looked over and he smiled at me and, being the polite driver I am (no comments, ku'u or rob), I smiled back. He then proceeds to yell out the window at me, "What's your number, baby?!" I laughed so hard - I mean, come on dude .. my son is in the car, we're driving on the highway, and he's trying to pick me up? :D That's the first time that's ever happened to me. I had a little bit of an ego boost after the initial shock, but still ...

No, he didn't write it down because I didn't give it out :D

No, I wasn't wearing my crown in public again .. though, that's not a bad idea .. hmm.. *finger to chin in thoughtful pose*

You go girl! Rock on! It feels great when things like that happen, and you had every right to get an ego boost. I would have felt the same way.
Professur said:
A quicker thinker would have given him a number. Something like 1-800-upy-ours.

actually, I should have given him my actual number - he was pretty hot ;)
tonksy said:
dude...why didn't you?

at the time, I was irritated :D ... in retrospect, I should have ... *smacks self on the head* fear not, I'm on the lookout for that car .. shouldn't be too hard, we're just a small rock in the middle of the ocean LOL
nalani said:
at the time, I was irritated :D ... in retrospect, I should have ... *smacks self on the head* fear not, I'm on the lookout for that car .. shouldn't be too hard, we're just a small rock in the middle of the ocean LOL


I seem to be pretty good at stalking lately...lemme know if you need some tips :lloyd:
nalani said:
He then proceeds to yell out the window at me, "What's your number, baby?!"

When I do that, they look shocked and speed away. How do they know I'm not wearing any pants? :lloyd:
kuulani said:
was this before or after the borders incident? :lol:

ACK! This was before the I-am-a-loser Borders incident .. dayum .. what the hell am I putting out there into the Universe???? :D