I know I'm getting older ...

At least you can find time to get drunk. Those of us without the family support system have to remain in control all the time.... which is a real chore... especially since there are soooo many yummy brews in the fridge whispering.... 'drink me..... driiiiiink meeeeeee'.
I haven't had a hangover in years. I feel that badly some mornings without any help though.
I've been known to have one after a night of bunco or a dinner club. Miserable things, hangovers.
I found that I don't get hangovers because of alcohol, I get them for not going to bed at the time I'm suppose to :shrug:
Well, the next day I feel headache, bad mood, don't want to do anything, etc. And that happens even if I don't drink. When I do drink add to that some thirst, but that's about it.
Well, the next day I feel headache, bad mood, don't want to do anything, etc. And that happens even if I don't drink. When I do drink add to that some thirst, but that's about it.

Yes, it's called being tired :p
I don't mind the hangover ... unless I didn't get drunk the night before. Waking up feeling hungover when you weren't even drinking just sucks.