I laughed, I cried

I would find that girl and shoot her... If i could find South Carolina on a map... Der, der, der, der... *grumble*
Poor child. That peroxide must be caustic.

We actually watched that because it came on before we could change the channel and the girls we hooked.
I chose to use it as a learning experience. We rooted for the intelligent one (who won) and I pointed out the overly skinny one. When they asked why they had to wear bathing suits I told them why. Although mainly we watched for the pretty dresses.

She's a teenage beauty contestant. We should be grateful she didn't include WORLD PEACE.


Why do they ask these girls (and wimmins in the older broad shows) these questions? We don't wanna know if they're members of Mensa or Densa, we wanna see their boobies in high heels.


Mars r us. Now there's no excuse.