I love animals... except..


Kissy Goddess
Magpies. Lots of people would just as soon run over them or use them for target practice. Me, I can live without them for 2 reasons. One - they're loud as hell any time my cat is around.


It's been really hot here for about 1 1/2 months now, so I went out and bought a Dolfino pool. The top ring is a heavy plastic and you blow it up, then fill the pool. After a week, maybe 2, I notice the ring starting to deflate. I fill it again, and again....This has been happening for a month. Yesterday, I'm in my sons' room and I look outside to see 3 magpies standing on the edge, jumping in and out of the pool, flapping their wings around. It's those little bastards that have been putting holes in my pool!!!

I don't think I'd be as angry if my cat did it. But a magpie? And they shit on the edge of the pool, too.
Call animal control in your area and request a nusiance permit to trap and kill them if they're doing damage.
Thanks Prof.

I read the first post & my only thought was HOT??? In May in Canada?

Let them die. They're old & worn out.
Gonz, do remember that for a guy in Pheonix, 100F is a nice day. For people in toronto, it's an emergency, with associated deaths. Perspective is everything.
There was a we are not causing glaobal warmiong special on teh other day. Pretty boring with crap we already know.

However, one interesting statistic. In the event global warming causes more "exceptional heat days" & brings the average temps up it'll actually cause fewer deaths since there's about 100times more deaths related to cold than to hot.

It's just harder to fall asleep in the heat.