i need help bringing my av to this lovely board


New Member
hi, i don't have an av here!
i do have an av i use elsewhere, like on jjr's board. but, as that's unnaccessable, i point you the userpicture -- of alice, in wonderland, holding the pigbaby -- on my livejournal, www.livejournal.com/~alice_ash .
however, i dont believe i can link the image from livejournal, and my image software stuff doesnt work (really, anything relating to the use of images doesnt work on my comp. i murder it.) , so i can't just upload it from my comp.
i guess what i's asking, then, is can the image be hosted here, so that i can link to it here?
if not, that's ok. but it would be really kewl.
t4nky j00 :)
:eek: OMG!! i can't find a place to put the url. i found a place to put the filename thiny, but not the url.
i can't browse for the file thingy, because my image stuff fucking died and went to hell. *cries* im so sick of that. i can't do anything. my site, www.angelfire.com/wizard/alice0 , has been sucking for a while now, because i can't put any more images on it. i was able to put some there during a half-week period of time about a month or two ago, when it DID work, somehow, miraculously, but now it doesnt, and no one knows how to fix it. i've asked justin, and he says he can't. now, whether he actually can't, or whether he just doesnt give a fuck because it works on his account (we have xp), is unknown.
AARGH!! i LOVE messing with image stuff. the past... like... HALF A YEAR has been HELL as far as that's concerned.
it's fucking pathetic, and it shouldnt happen that way.
image stuff should work.
all the programs that are supposed to work, should work.
bottom line.
the end.
How exactly did your image stuff on your account break? (might be a good idea to do a cross-post in Sci/Tech, btw)

As for that avatar, I'll upload it for you shortly...
hey wow, thanks fury!!! :D

yeah, i don't know how my image stuff got messed up. i just tried to use it one day, and it wouldnt work... i think i'll post about it on the other forum you suggested