i need to know the meaning of something karma-related.


New Member
i was checking my karma, and i found some from someone saying, "jawsky what the hell kind of name is that"
(first of all, it's jawschy, and his name is really josh)
and it had a little red thing next to it, instead of green.

what does the red thing mean?
that means they didn't like your post. Its negative karma. whatever karma giving strength they have got subtracted from your total...:(
Grey is from people who have no karma giving power. It can be good or bad and it doesn't affect your total...
oh jeez! LOL!! i think jawschy himself gave me that karma, just messin' with me. i checked his profile and it says he was on yesterday, and he messes with me on a regular basis, lol, so it's highly likely it was him.

josh, you dork! :D
i find it funny that some people are afraid to say things to you if their name is attached, ie. the nameless soul who called me a twat. thanks for the bad karma, may it find its way back to you, you coward.
that happens to me all the time.

erm note to admins (esp fury) any chance of a hack to auto paste the name of the person giving karma?
i don't care who it was. i don't mind being called names, call me names all darn day, that's your right. i just wish people had the balls to be open about things like that. i've never given negative karma, but if and when i do i will have the 'balls' to put my name to it.