I see a pattern


molṑn labé
Staff member
First it was Clarence Thomas. Black, successful & not a liberal.

How about Conaleeza Rice. Black, successful & not a liberal.

Colin Powell-Black, successful & not a full blown liberal.

H Carl McCall-Black, successful & a liberal.

Miguel Estrada-Brown, successful & not a liberal.

Now it's Janice Rogers Brown-Black, successful & not a liberal.

So, if you are a minority, the party of choice should be the Democratic Party. They will tell you how much they respect you. They will say anything to get your vote. They will, however, not do jack shit to further your advancement in the real world.

Who placed that damnedable Stars & Bars atop the South Carolina statehouse? U.S. Senator Ernest "Fritz" Hollings-(D)

Who voted, as a party, against desegregation? Democrats

Who tried to hold Thomas off the bench? Democrats

What do liberals say about Condy?
Proof that Condoleeza Rice is really a white colonialist.

and Powell?
Is Colin Powell Really A House Slave?

The Democrat party withheld funds from New York Gubernatorial candidate McCAll.

Who's fillibustering Estrada? the Democrat, again.

Federal Jurist nominee Judge Brown is the most current attack against blacks by the pro-affimative action & demanding diversity crowd. Yep, you guessed it, more liberal crap. Want to see?
Two influential liberal interest groups yesterday said it would be "disastrous" if the Senate approved a black female judge from California who President Bush nominated in July to serve on the federal circuit court of appeals here in Washington.

Washington Times

How much longer before the minorities understand that conservatism is their friend?
if the miniorities you mentioned were liberal(even estrada) i doubt the democrats would have been filibustering them.
Some interesting points Gonz. The democratic party has always attempted to display itself as the party that cares more for the advancement of minorities. This is in fact a fallacy.