I should have stayed in bed.


New Member
My old watch was seeing it's last days so we decided to buy me a new one. After searching for some time, I finally found my watch on Fossil's website.

I had the watch shipped to my job and I got it yesterday. I put the watch on and left all the other contents (a cute pink heart-shaped tin, extra links for the band, warranty paperwork, return info, etc) in the box under my desk.

Last night when I got home, I remembered that I left the box at work. Since we have higher security than normal at work including keycards, cameras, etc, I wasn't worried.

When I got to work today, the box was gone. Immediately I knew what happened. Since the box was under my desk, and so is my garbage can, the cleaning people must have thrown it out. It wasn't IN the garbage can. To me, if it's not IN the garbage can, you leave it the fuck alone. It's not up to the cleaning people to decide what is and isn't garbage.

I spent the next hour dumpster diving, ripping open bags and bags of garbage containing foulness that I can still smell on me.

FINALLY I found the box. Found the tin. Found the warranty, the paperwork, the return form. But no watchband links.

So I just emailed Fossil to see how I can order extra links or for the future, another band if need be. What are the chances that they'll take pity on me and send me a couple of links for free? :rolleyes:

I should have stayed in bed. :mad:
That seriously sucks. At our work it's just the opposite, if you want to throw something away that won't fit in the trash can under your desk, you have to write TRASH in really big letters all over it, after a week or two, they might take it.
I'm infuriated just reading this because I can empathize. I left some important papers on my desk one evening at my last job, and showed up the following morning to discover that they had been tossed as well. Imagine taking paperwork off of an employee's desk and throwing it out because YOU think it looks like garbage. Scumbags. That still pisses me off. :shrug:
PT said:
That seriously sucks. At our work it's just the opposite, if you want to throw something away that won't fit in the trash can under your desk, you have to write TRASH in really big letters all over it, after a week or two, they might take it.

The same thing goes on here as well. We're lucky if they even take care of the carpet on a monthly basis.
I'm sorry you ended up going through the trash, GF. I've had to do that before - no fun.

I had an issue for awhile where I'd lock my office door, put a DO NOT ENTER sign on it, and come in the next morning to find it standing wide-ass open, from the cleaning crew (none of whom apparently speak english). I had a rather pointed word with the property manager, and since I happen to be the guy who makes leasing decisions, it got addressed in a freaking hurry.

I now have to leave the door open if I want them to clean up in there. :D
I'm surprised no one has yet told me it's my fault for leaving an empty box underneath the desk. But Gonz should be along any time now. :D

The day just got better though. I got my paycheck and there's a few hundred more in it than usual. My retroactive raise I've been waiting for.

NOW I should go home and call it a day. I figure the good and bad have evened themselves out. :)

The old cleaning crew used to throw away my water bottle all the time, even after I asked them not to. I would reuse them daily so if they threw it away, I'd have to go out and buy a new one. I had to resort to putting it in a drawer so it was out of their reach.

They also used to empty the plastic bag instead of removing it from the can so that if you had some liquid or food in it, it would dry in the bag and be left there for a while. :sick: I soon learned to throw smelly stuff in the kitchen garbage can. At least then those little annoying fruit flies would be in there and not at my desk.
Professur said:
That you found everything but the links makes me suspicious.
Breathing makes you suspicious. The housekeeping prolly thought it was trash, looked through it and said "Silly woman, throwing away good watch links, I can use these".
*this from a notorious trash picker
tonksy said:
Breathing makes you suspicious. The housekeeping prolly thought it was trash, looked through it and said "Silly woman, throwing away good watch links, I can use these".
*this from a notorious trash picker

I was thinking more along the lines of silver=$$$
Dunno, Rob. Yer north east there. Not sure that they have the same mexican influx as yous down south.
Wikipedia sez: 2000 census: The city is about 45% white, 27% black, 27% Hispanic, and 10% Asian.

I think only southern California comes in more hispanic or foreign born origin.
unclehobart said:
Wikipedia sez: 2000 census: The city is about 45% white, 27% black, 27% Hispanic, and 10% Asian.

I think only southern California comes in more hispanic or foreign born origin.
That's outdated. There are more hispanics that blacks now. i remember the big media to do about it.