I thought Canucks liked beer?

We have a lot of weird alcohol laws as far as ads go. They could have poured us kegs if they had labels on em :confuse3:

it has also prevented the ad from being broadcast during two family programs because of the word "hell."
The Wonderful World of Disney. They didn't air "hell" during Disney. 4 hours later and she can be naked and cussing like a sailor for all we care.

"What this decision shows is that Canada lags behind Americans, Brits and even Germans in the sense of humor stakes," Bailey said
this guy is pissin me off. You'd think part of a bajillion dollar multi-country marketing campaign would be checking the broadcast laws of the multi-countries.
Good *evil grin*

The last thing we are as a stereotypical people is humourless beer-haters. And to try and get out of his mistake, he's making all these countries out to be just that. He sucks.
Leslie said:
The last thing we are as a stereotypical people is humourless beer-haters. And to try and get out of his mistake, he's making all these countries out to be just that. He sucks.

Rrrriiiigggghhhhtttt. :D