I thought I was nuts but....

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
.... I'm not as mad as some.... an email I received earlier....


I'm a time traveler stuck here in 2003.
Upon arriving here my dimensional warp generator stopped working. I trusted a company here by the name of LLC Lasers to repair my Generation 3 52 4350A watch unit, and they fled on me.
Since nobody in this timeline seems to be able to deliver what I need (safely here to me), I will have to build a simple time travel circuit to get where I need myself. While it might be hard to find parts in this time to build anything decent, I need easy to follow schematics from the future to build one which is safe and accurate that will not disrupt the time space continuum with both forward and backward capability accounting for temporal location settings (X, Y, Z, n), which can be built out of (readily available) parts here in 2003. Please email me any plans you have. I will pay good money for anything you send me I can use. Or if you have a dimensional warp generator available, and are 100% certain you have a (safe secure) means of delivering it to me please also reply with a secure way to contact you. Send a separate email to me at:
[email protected]

Do not reply back directly to this email as it will only be bounced back to you.

Thank You
Brian Appel

Please feel free to put the poor guy out of his misery................ :tardbang:
Poor guy has lost the plot... gone in the head. *poke2*
Maybe he gets turned on by maths and physics... maybe diagrams really do it for him... who knows...
You're right. He IS insane. I have one of those dimensional warp generators.

It can only go forward in time, not back, duh. It IS pretty useless if you ask me. What he needs is a space-time warp bubble transmogrifier. I haven't invented one yet. But when I do, I'm not telling anyone. :D
Oh wait, I wasn't paying attention. He said dimensional warp generator. Those can't travel through time at all.

It's like a teleporter. I only use mine to get to the john in case of emergency. :dump:
tonks said:
i think she means the 'time traveler'....not that you don't mind you...
Thanks tonks! Yes, I was referring to the time traveller. Justintime, you already know I worship your beer drinking skills! Why would I think you need help? :confuse3: