I thought spring was almost here

rained all day here. now the temp is dropping and everything is getting encased in ice.
The windchill is -40 tonight. Fahrenheit or Celsius, its virtually the same at that temperature. Without wind it is -29.
Jerrek said:
The windchill is -40 tonight. Fahrenheit or Celsius, its virtually the same at that temperature. Without wind it is -29.

i like cold weather, but not that cold...
Here's how I know it's cold. CPU temperature is lower than what the thermostat is set to. :tardbang:

Damn, it's cold.
It's cold today here too but I don't care cus over the weekend, I caught a glimpse of the 150 or so tulips I have starting to break ground! Knowing what's coming is enough to keep me happy during sucky weather.
Still cold at night here, but jacket level tolerable in the afternoon. The weeds are springing up now ... but not the grass... *grumble*
We just missed another 8" or so. It's okay though, I'll be in Michigan tomorrow & will get to enjoy it's splendor.:headbang:
its been raining most of the past few days.

taking a walk is an adventure with the puddles, mud, ice and snow all over the place.