I touched a computer and it lived


New Member
The new 128ramstick for the aged 500 cele laptop arrived in the mail today. I installed it in less than a min... and it works fine. The computer didn't complain a bit. Its a first for me.

The comp is indeed zippier. Page access is 5 tiems faster. Page loading is 10 times faster. Animations are 3 times better.. not fabulous... but light years past what it was. It doesn't irritate the kids anymore.

$51.19 shipped for 128mb 144 pin SODIMM SDRAM PC100
I'm not throwing salt on you, but we better wait. It has happened before that after you post a succesful upgrade, things tend to not remain like that ;) :D
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. There's every possibility that you gave some component a case of slowly creeping death while you were in there.
Sometimes he does shit like this without calling me first. If this one doesn't blow up in his face, it'll be a rarity.
I would agree with you except that laptops are put together a wee bit tougher than I'm used to killing. The memory access was a tiny little plate with a tiny little screw... no digging... no sweating... no shoving things about. The memory went in nicely and was accepted in the boot sequence without prompting. The only thing I can think to go wrong is that it is just a bad stick that will die within a day... which is really rare.

I think I won one for a change.
Professur said:
Rob, what the hell !!!

Who let you near a screw(up)driver???
Don't worry.. I rested the whole thing snugly on top of a 30 pound magnet so it wouldn't fall and get hurt.
As long as you sucked it out. Be sure to have rubbed the memory with your mustache, too. It likes the tickly feeling.