I USED to love California


molṑn labé
Staff member
I even liked the far left. They were fun party favors. As a matter of fact, (R) Mayor Richard Riordan was one of the scariest things to happen to LA when I was there. (R) Governor Pete Wilson made a great butt for jokes.

Now, they have Davis - buying power at the HIGHEST possible cost with the LONGEST contracts while running the state, literally, out of money. The Hollywood crowd has gotten loonier & loonier. SF, once one of my favorite cities is not only unaffordable now, it's downright creepy. Allowing peasants to relieve themselves in public. This could go on, but I do have a point here...

A Senator gets all kind of shit for making "moral judgements". That's bad, according to the far left. Fair enough, then explain forcing immorality on business owners:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Democrat-controlled California Assembly passed a bill today mandating fines of up to $150,000 against business owners – including Bible bookstores and nonprofit organizations such as the Boy Scouts – for refusing to hire cross-dressing and transsexual job applicants.

I've always been against many forms of "anti-discrimination" laws as they pertain to businesses and hiring practices. I firmly believe that a business should be able to hire employees based on what is best for their business. This is a key tenet of capitalism, and one which is being demolished by liberals.

Before long, you'll have to hire the first person to submit an application for a new position. It will be the responsibility of the employer to educate, train, and rehabilitate them. I suppose Playboy should be forced to hire men, airlines should be forced to hire the blind... In fact, I'm going to rebel against our company's dress code. If I'm not allowed to dress like Satan at work, then I'm being discriminated against.
