I wanna play!


Staff member
I took a pack of kids to the library today. Gave them free reign, no guidance, cause I was hot and tired and just wanted to drink my coffee. I guess they are bored, all they wanted were how to draw books and learning about science (sharks, budgies, frogs) books...Only one kid got a fiction book, and that was an Asterix one.

One of the books in particular was Cardboard Box Book: 25 Things to Make and Do with an Empty Box

It rocks! So far, I highly recommend it. They're fascinated. I gave them all my old moving boxes from under the basement stairs, and they're all over across the road in the garage making a village. There's weeks worth of stuff in there. Since 1:30 they've been at it, and no fights, no nuttin. I'm thrilled to bits with this book.

No electronics. I love it! I hope it keeps them going for a couple weeks, anyway.

I offered to join in but they looked at me funny so I just came home. :(
Two of the kids over there are girls, they're having as much fun with it.
You need to have LOTS of boxes. And room for the creations lol.

But yes, I think it's worth it. These are big (time consuming) projects, entire zoos and the like. And they may be inspired to come up with other ideas, too. You could always go to the library and see if they have it and take a look first?
Oh, and I lovvvvved Cat's Cradle books!

That and the one where you wind the yarn around the popsicle sticks? I don't remember what it's called, but that was GREAT.
Leslie said:
You need to have LOTS of boxes. And room for the creations lol.

But yes, I think it's worth it. These are big (time consuming) projects, entire zoos and the like. And they may be inspired to come up with other ideas, too. You could always go to the library and see if they have it and take a look first?
As much as I love the library we never make it there. I dunno why. I have been wanting to go for months to pick up this book by John Irving but just never do.
Come to think of it, it's been so fucking hot recently that a trip to the air conditioned library might be a good thing. It would have to be tomorrow as the weekend is already occupado and monday starts jury duty for Rob.
It sure is a nice, cool, calm, peaceful way to spend an afternoon (or an hour depending on moods) with the kiddies. And there's the bonus of something new to do for a day or two.

I really find it a blessing over the summer break. Mine don't go back for another month yet.
That book sounds like it would have been right up my alley when I was a kid. I used to make cars out of paper... as I got older, they got more intricate, even to the point of recessed sealed-beam headlights, deep-dish wheels and working suspensions.
I had a pretty awesome playhouse made outta some sort of appliance box when I was little. My dad cut the holes and I decorated it, I loved that thing.