I was just gonna post a "Hey, HomeLAN" thread ...


Well-Known Member
.. cause I feel like I haven't seen you around in a while .. but voila .. there you are :)

How have you been?
Hes more of a morning coffee posting kind of guy. Don't expect a response until monday.. or even then if this gets shoved off of the front page.
well, tell him me and ku'u said hi when you see him on Sunday .. and we need him to manage our Handwriting Workshops .. we're thinking of starting small .. locally .. then branching out to the Northern Americas .. then perhaps Europe .. cause we all know their handwriting bites the big one out there *ducks* hehehehe
Actually, it's pretty slow today, so here I am indeed.

I'm fine, thanks, how's by you?

Manager, eh? You know I have to ask - what's the job pay? :D
it's raining today *sniff* .. but at least it's not a million degeres outside like it has been ...

the pay? umm.. well .. let's see .. you get all the handwriting classes you want ... and umm.. Kona Coffee .... *nod* ... and on top of all of that, we'll let you keep your other job :D
Mmm, Kona coffee. Might have to quit this job for that.

BTW, unless my wife's day has been complete hell (possible), I'll probably reinstall ICQ tonight. I'll look for y'all.
When I talked to her a couple hours ago, she sounded a little stressed. It's possible I may not be able to do that until tomorrow, in which case I'm hosed as far as you go, aren't I? Still no computer at home?
we've got tons of computers at home .. :D .. in fact, every household on the compound has at least one computer .. but we don't have internet access at home. It's kind of important to us that we keep our family lives in tact at home. Actually, that's a bunch of crap :D .. because we live so far from the main road, there's only dial up service out there and that bites .. so no internet at home ... but I like the whole "home time is mommy time" thing better ... :D
DOOOOHHHHH......Imagine that.

Thanks, I'm gonna try to get on tonight but don't be suprised if I fade away quickly. I usually have a couple of drinks after work and hit the sack by 9:00.

I just feel like a conehead today :p