I was just wondering...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
... is there any way we can have a chatroom attached to otc... if there is the demand for it of course? Or would it be hideously expensive...
I believe that the reason there is no chat room is because it tends to kill the board. Xibase had a chat room and it DRASTICALLY cut the amount of traffic to the board (this was pre-OTC days when Xi was actually pretty busy).
Well you could only allow it to be used at certain scheduled times ya know... like they do on another bbs I go to... once or twice a week say.
Nixy's right, the difference in traffic on the site was huge. Everyone thought the same thing, that it wouldn't affect the posting, but it did. Even if we were all for it, I don't think fury would go for it anyway for that reason. :shrug:
Aunty, you're not the first to suggest a chat room for OTC, the reasons Nixy gave were the ones given when it was first suggested.

Anyway, we have the shoutbox, not as fast as a chat room, but it might fit the purpose of faster communication.
:D I suggested it once.... :worm:...I guess you need a lot more members to sustain traffic with a chatroom. The last forum I frequented had a great chatroom . Tons of fun and virtually non-stop...Yours works quite well, Aunty. It would be great if we all kinda ageed on time slots to jump in....