i was thinking about....

should it be done ?

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    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I don´t care

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Luis G

Staff member
Hello everybody :)

After seeing the interest of some members about learning or asking something about spanish, i came to the idea of making a thread in the "love &amp; lifestyles" forum, where i personally will solve all the questions and post new words, the thing is that the thread would be preferrably be on top of the forum (important thread).

I would like to know how many members are interested in my idea.
I mean, you post your question in the thread, and if i'm able to answer it i will.

It could also be usefull to exchange english and spanish coloquialisms, which rarely you learn in the classroom.
no comment is translated directly to "no comentario", but the proper expression is:
sin comentarios
sounds like a good idea, i'm not sure about making it a sticky at the top of the thread, if it is popular and works then it will stay there anyway ;)
We can't have a language learning monopoly, you need some competition. Maybe I'll start a French language thread to compete. ;)

j/k I don't know jack-all French, I only took one basic high school course. :lol:
Originally posted by L. Summerton
:headbang: Sounds great!

are you tired of la palabra del dia already? :D

I'm not tired, in fact i'd like to keep posting it, sometimes i forgot to paste it in my posts, and any question about my palabra del dia could be answered in that thread.

BTW, a french thread is a great idea too :D

Palabras del dia:[/]
see = ver
look = mirar
observe = observar
I just started the thread, i put the conjugation of the 3 verbs i posted today.

Palabras del dia:[/]
see = ver
look = mirar
observe = observar