I was wrong

Stop Laughing

New Member
I realized something yesterday that my opinion of was all wrong. I used to go to talk to a therapist about my life, what was going on, my feelings about the people in my life, my problems, etc. I used to think that it was a waste of my time. Yesterday though, my brother was going off the deep end being bery violent (throwing stuff, punching the wall, kicking things, etc.) with us when we were trying to help him with his UPS disability claims and stuff (he has tendonitis from bowling, video zipped here) and trying to warn him that if he doesn't get back to normal, he could lose his job, and his college tuition since they're paying for it. Anyways, I suddenly realized I used to be like this, violent when upset and angry, but not anymore. The therapy, which I started when I'd threaten suicide when in an angry rant, has I think helped me be calmer, I haven't had any of those violent rants since then, that's for sure. I also seriously think my brother should see a therapist too before he goes too far.
therapy is good.
but getting them there is a miniscule fraction of the battle, as i see far too often.
working with it is the important part, as i'm sure you must know.

i was going somewhere with this, but then my train of thought crashed :(
well glad you dont have the violent outbursts. and for your brother I can only wish the best and I hope you find something that works for him too. best wishes again mate.
I'm not speaking to or of you specifically SL.

What ever happened to talking to your dad? Your granddad or a favorite uncle or a friend? (female versions also count in the female context) For that matter, what ever happened to self control? You're uncontrollably pissed? Go punch the nearest wall. Done enough times you learn to control yourself or you become a masochist.

What a scam. Therapy. Defined as a hole in which one pours money as somebody get paid to listen to you bitch about how tough your life is while thinking about how tough their life is.

Wanna fix these problems? Go back to the day of dads & woodsheds where the CPS goes after the bad parents & leaves alone those doing their job.
that's something else i never understood.
when people call therapy a "scam".

these people were obviously never helped by it.

some people really need it.

myself, for example.
i've been in therapy since i was nine years old.
some of you from JJR's may already know this, but at thirteen, i went in for a 15-month stay in a therapeutic residential setting.
therapy every week for a long time after that.
now i only go once every couple of weeks.

sure, we put a lot of money into the individual sessions, especially since i've been going to them for almost exactly half my life. we could have bought other things.
but i for one, as a survivor of some really weird shit, am glad that my parents "poured money" into this "scam".

because if they hadn't... there is absouletly NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that i would be DEAD.

does it sound dramatic? yes.
are you probably denying and doubting this? i woudlnt be surprised.
but is it very likely true? i greatly believe so.

it is only a scam if you are in denial that you may need professional help, and if you're too stubborn to work the freakin program.

i dont say this in reference to you, gonz, but rather in reference to the countless pathetic souls who i've encountered, who are still living in darkness because they hold the same attitude as you.
I know you didn't mean me specifically, but you know about my dad, he wasn't very nice to us. He stole some of our Christmas presents and a trip to Disneyworld from us (my brother and I) and used them with his gf. My parents divorced when I was like 8, but he was gone before my 6th birthday. I had a great uncle I was really close to, but he was pretty ill his last couple of years and passed away after about 4 strokes when I was 12. My grandfather lived half the year on the other side of the country, and when he was here I loved going to his place, fishing off his dock, swimming in the lake, but he practically disowned my dad and until he passed away last year had always had words with my dad, mostly over money (surprise). My mother's family only met at holidays, and even so she has 2 sisters who live in the area and 1 brother who doesn't. Essentially, I had no male role model growing up. Instead, I think I sort of turned into one for my brother, and that probably explains why he's doing now what I was when I was his age (18).

As for the therapy being a scam, I paid less for an hour for therapy than I made an hour working at Walgreens. They charged based on your income. $8 an hour was the cost when I started, hardly a scam.
Actually I'd forgotten about your specifics. Which still points back to the general idea I'm after. Women with strong, non-abusive fathers tend to pick strong non-abusive spouses which tend to be better fathers.