Ice Age

to be honest, it didn't really do anything for me... monsters inc was good tho.

saw a trailer for some new pixar flick before LOTR the other day... it had fish in it... looked like that had promise
Saw it at the dollar theater with my buddy and his daughter. It was pretty cool. I like Bug's Life and the two Toy Story movies better, though.

Heh. I seem to favor movies aimed at the under 8 crowd over the more scatological fare aimed at older kids.
Ardsgaine said:
Saw it at the dollar theater with my buddy and his daughter. It was pretty cool. I like Bug's Life and the two Toy Story movies better, though.

Heh. I seem to favor movies aimed at the under 8 crowd over the more scatological fare aimed at older kids.

Hey...You callin' the older kids animation crap? :eek6:
Gato_Solo said:
Hey...You callin' the older kids animation crap? :eek6:

Just saying that my sense of humor is more in line with what amuses a 5 yr old than with what amuses a 10 yr old. :)
Hey, I love a 5 year old's sense of humor. Wish I still had it.
PuterTutor said:
Hey, I love a 5 year old's sense of humor. Wish I still had it.

Yeah. I have the heart of a 5 yr old... in a jar... on my desk. :p

(That's a joke for anyone who didn't get it... just thought I should point that out, because Jan read it over my shoulder and she's telling me now that I'm an evil bastard...) :p
:rofl: @ ards. ards you are an evil evil bastard. ;) i felt sorry in a way for scrat. couldnt get his nut and he had a tree full of em and he still didnt get it. but he was hilarious.
I got it and watched it over Christmas. I found it hilariously funny, but then there are those who think I'm pretty juvenile anyway, so why disappoint them? :D ;)