If there were 100 people in the world...


If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100
people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following:

There would be:

- 57 Asians
- 21 Europeans
- 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
- 8 Africans

- 52 would be female
- 48 would be male

- 70 would be non-white
- 30 would be white

- 70 would be non-Christian
- 30 would be Christian

- 89 would be heterosexual
- 11 would be homosexual

- 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the United States.

- 80 would live in substandard housing
- 70 would be unable to read
- 50 would suffer from malnutrition
- 1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth

- 1 would have a college education
- 1 would own a computer

Weird to think about isn't it!?
LastLegionary said:
- 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south

- 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the United States.
So, of those 14, how many would actually be from the US? If it happened to be six, then you're saying all of the US representatives would be stinking rich? But... we know that's not the case, so the representation is already screwed.

Precisely why statistics can be so misleading.
The representation is not screwed. You just have to understand division and orders of magnitude. 1,000,000 million people will have a representation of 0.000166 on that scale.
Oh and despite the fact that it appears inaccurate, it is not. Scientists use order of magnitude all the time. It is highly accurate and is used to factor out big chunks of data to see an overall curve.
Maybe you didn't understand my point. The US doesn't even have six percent of the world's population, therefore it is impossible for all six of the wealthy people to be from the US, not to mention that having 100% of the "US" population being rich would be innacurate. Something is amiss somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look for it.
i thought 6 richest men in the world were not all from the US. Many are from the US but some others are from Japan and Saudi i think.
um you guys are not reading what is written there... it says 6 people will control 59% of the world's WEALTH. This is a REPRESENTATION... Don't you guys do statistics in university? :confuse2:
yes, i did statistic a while ago, that's why i'm not agreeing with that.

many facts are not related, that's why the text is incoherent in many things, well, actually just that line (some guy that wanted to feel proud about his country wrote that i'm sure).

looking it in another way, let's say that the US has only 6 representatives, one owns 30%, the other 15%, two own 5% each, another owns 3.5% and another 0.5%, from rich to poor......well just a thought.

*checking the percentage of world's population living in the US*
4.4% of world's population lives in the US, therefore it is statistically incorrect to say that 6 people from the US owns 59% of world's wealth.

22.8% of world's GDP belongs to the US.

too lazy to look for more info.......i guess you can see my point now.

but indeed, it is weird to think about ;)
I understand how it can be said that x number of people control x% of the world's money and not all of them have to be rich (like Luis said) but there are a few problems i see with it aswell.

#1) If 6 of 10 people control 59% of the world's money that means 60% of the people control 59% of the money which is nothing outstanding, it means there is 41% of money left for the other 40% of people, seems very even to me.

#2)If 6 of the 10 people are from the states that would mean that for these statistics to be accurate ATLEAST 60% of the world's population would have ot live in the states (again, as Luis said).

Just a thought, but maybe it was a typo? maybe it was suppose to be 4 people control 59% of the money and they are all from the states? That would make sense. 40% of people with 59% of money...