If ya can't catch it


molṑn labé
Staff member
Blow that sumbitch up

The 820-pound copper probe was on course to intercept Tempel 1, a pickle-shaped comet half the size of Manhattan, and smash a hole in it so scientists could get their first peek at the heart of one of the icy celestial bodies.


Anybody gonna watch for the explosion? :rofl4:

Oh Hell yeah a seriously good deal!

Is it true that the U.S. annual budget for
foreign aid and NASA is comparable???

I’m prudy durn sure I know which one is giving
a better ROI. Hell at least the stars aren’t screaming
anti-American epithets ‘yet’ heh heh
Winky said:
Oh Hell yeah a seriously good deal!

Is it true that the U.S. annual budget for
foreign aid and NASA is comparable???

I’m prudy durn sure I know which one is giving
a better ROI. Hell at least the stars aren’t screaming
anti-American epithets ‘yet’ heh heh

ROI? ROI? Surely you don't think we should spend money with an expectaion of return? What I always love is people who piss and moan over their computer about the cost of the space program.

Oh, and remember, the world is flat.
Thanks DishNetwork for the NASA channel...I watched it live & was amused to see so many geeks cheering an "accident".
I take back the nuke idea
the whole point (among others?)
is to find out what the thang is made of
certainly green cheese I'm sure

yeah I watched it live with Abby on the web

America rocks!!!
Proof of concept

we can hit an incoming planet killa

but hit it with what?

heh heh heh
This rock was the approximate size of Manhattan. The projectile was the size of a washing machine. I'd say 150megaton minimum.