Illegals upset by deportation method


molṑn labé
Staff member
I'm so confused. If you do something that you're not supposed to do (or is illegal), the violated is supposed to bow to your whims & make it easy to screw you over agian? Since when? You break the law or ethical code & you should be embarrassed & put out. Shit happens.

Migrants caught in the deserts of Arizona are being put on planes by the U.S. Border Patrol and deported hundreds of miles away along Texas' southern border, in many cases to cities in Mexico they've never seen.

U.S. officials say deporting migrants from Texas - instead of at the border where they crossed - reduces repeat attempts and cuts migrants' links to the smuggling networks in Arizona, the most popular route for undocumented crossings.

The pilot program has caused anger on the Mexican side, where town officials say they are ill- equipped for the influx of deportees.

"We don't like Juarez being used as a point for massive deportations," city spokesman Ricardo Chavez said. "The city is not prepared to deal with this, and there is already a shortage of jobs here. It's a bad situation. People are sleeping in parks and under bridges."

"They shouldn't deport us so far away, in places where we don't know anybody," said Cesar Pinacho, 26, a cannery worker who has slept in a Ciudad Juarez park and the yard of a nearby house since he was deported several days ago.

"If they have to deport us, they shouldn't treat us like criminals," said Martin Romero, 38, a field worker from Durango. "It's humiliating. We're just working people."

AP Story
Gonz said:
I'm so confused. If you do something that you're not supposed to do (or is illegal), the violated is supposed to bow to your whims & make it easy to screw you over agian? Since when? You break the law or ethical code & you should be embarrassed & put out. Shit happens.

I agree. If they want to take a chance of trying to enter a country illegally, then they shold be prepared to be deported if they are caught. Saying they are not a criminal? I beg to differ. You commit a crime, you are a criminal. It's that simple.

Well that takes the biscuit, don't it!! I'm not a criminal even though I've committed a criminal offence... :rolleyes:

How's about sending some of those planes over here to get rid of our illegals... oh and send the patrol guys too!
Gonz said:
I'm so confused. If you do something that you're not supposed to do (or is illegal), the violated is supposed to bow to your whims & make it easy to screw you over agian? Since when? You break the law or ethical code & you should be embarrassed & put out. Shit happens.

AP Story

they broke the law. why should we let them in illegally? im all for people coming in legally. the law applies to those who follow it
"If they have to deport us, they shouldn't treat us like criminals," said Martin Romero, 38, a field worker from Durango. "It's humiliating. We're just working people."

Say what now? Sorry Martin, but you ARE a criminal idiot. Bloody Australia should have proper deportion laws, not this detention shit we have now.
Gonz said:
I'm so confused. If you do something that you're not supposed to do (or is illegal), the violated is supposed to bow to your whims & make it easy to screw you over agian? Since when? You break the law or ethical code & you should be embarrassed & put out. Shit happens.

AP Story

Welcome to the reason we have so much crime....