I'm going CRAZY

Luis G

Staff member
This is just TOO much work.

My days are:
6:50am - wake up, bath, breakfast
8:00am - Class
9:00am - Work at the lab
5:00pm - Out to home
5:30pm - EAT
6:00pm - Prepare classes, check exams, check homeworks.
9:00pm - Take a break, dinner...
10:00pm - Sleep.

And thursdays I give another class from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

It is the second time I teach the class at 8:00am and I already have material, just a quick read to my notes and that's it. The thursday class I know all the stuff there is to know about it, but still I need to present it in an easy way to the students, making presentations is sooo time consuming.

Wish I could rest...
Luis G said:
This is just TOO much work.

My days are:
6:50am - wake up, bath, breakfast
8:00am - Class
9:00am - Work at the lab
5:00pm - Out to home
5:30pm - EAT
6:00pm - Prepare classes, check exams, check homeworks.
9:00pm - Take a break, dinner...
10:00pm - Sleep.

And thursdays I give another class from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

It is the second time I teach the class at 8:00am and I already have material, just a quick read to my notes and that's it. The thursday class I know all the stuff there is to know about it, but still I need to present it in an easy way to the students, making presentations is sooo time consuming.

Wish I could rest...

:hmm: Looks like an easy schedule to me...

0530...wake, shower, shave and get dressed
0700-1100...look at training records for about 50 people, making sure that everyone is ready for the upcoming deployments
1100-1145...lunch...if I can break away
1145-1700...safety meetings, more paper trails to fill out, reaccomplish, or shred
1700-1900...Gym time
1900-2100...working on a performance report for one of my trainees
2100-2200...wind-down time
Well, now it all makes sense. Looking at both your schedules, neither one of you have allocated time to give a shit. No wonder you're both full of crap.
Quit yer bitchin and get back to work. You could have actually read that paper instead of just giving it a C if you hadn't taken the time to post.
crystal scan said:
i am going crazy :lol2:

Kid, here's a little something that may stand you in good stead later on life (if you want to avoid a helluva lot of beatings that is): If you have nothing intelligent to say....SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Things are more calm now, the lab is 99% set up according to my standards. Everything moves smooth now. I even had some time to browse otc from work the other day :D

And the bad news are...........I'm not receiving my cheque by nov 30th, hopefully I'll receive it by dec 15th. All that paperwork sucks :(
AlphaTroll said:
Kid, here's a little something that may stand you in good stead later on life (if you want to avoid a helluva lot of beatings that is): If you have nothing intelligent to say....SHUT THE FUCK UP!
i love to get beat :brow: :D