I'm hungry ...


Well-Known Member
It's 2:20pm and I haven't eaten yet .. yesterday I waited til I got home at 6pm to eat ... :( ... I'm wasting away to nothingness ..

dearie ... you always miss lunch ... what a workaholic!

I had a tuna sandwich for lunch. There's some chips on the table here if you want some - shrimp chips or taro chips. Sorry, no cheetos :D
I have cheetos here in my cubicle :D

and if I always miss lunch, wouldn't it stand to reason that I'd be like ... really really thin by now? :D
I missed breakfast and lunch for a decade while maintaining a high caloric output ... and still managed to stay chubbus. It all comes down to genetic predisposition and simple body chemistry tricks.
*feeling tingly* ooh ... is this a date? i'm actually craving a chai :coffee: i don't know what i want more ... coffee or beer :eek:
*reads from the "FG Book of Beer and Coffee Ettiquete (or howeverthehell you spell that word)"*:

coffee first .. then beer .. that way you're wide awake when drinking ... you can follow the beer with coffee, of course, if you're so inclined

I just drank an entire bottle of red wine and didnt feel it. My metabolism must be in rocking high gear after todays mild 10 mile hike. Im off for a beer of three until I find my balance point.
I think I'm gonna go home and open up a bottle of wine ... Lord knows after this phuckedupstoopid day, I need it ...