Im running 64 bit now.


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
well I traded off some of my server parts, and im running 64 bit.

My setup is
chaintech s1689 motherboard
AMD 64 bit 3500+
ATI 9600 pro
1 gig DC ddr cosair ram
2x 80 gig WD hdd's till i rebuild my old system and swipe the sata's outof it.
500 wat PS
NEC DL dvd burner
Plextor cdrw
windows xp64

So far its pretty sweet. Very quick.
Nice, now for the naive question, can you run regular software or you must download 64-bit versions for everything?

I know hardware drivers are a must. But what about the rest?
you can run both 32 and 64 bit software. It does have its quirks though. like norton av2003 will not run in the background, but 2005 will.
When I got Windows 2000, I couldn't use North Antivirus 2000 anymore; I had to upgrade to 2002.
samcurry said:
you can run both 32 and 64 bit software. It does have its quirks though. like norton av2003 will not run in the background, but 2005 will.

So we should expect crappy support for 32-bit applications.

What about drivers? I know they must be 64-bit, did you find any problem finding them/configuring them?
So far no problems, i did have to put in an old agp at first till i could download the 64 bit from ati but they went in without a hitch.

And yes for some 32bit apps expect fits and maybe some fixes down the road.
haha, I just love Microsoft, fix your 32-bit application so it can run on our 64-bit OS :lol:

Personally, I'd rather drop the whole backwards compatibility. We had to deal with the 640kB limit, upper and extended memory until win2k came along. Well, in fact win9x/ME are not real 32-bit OS either (kernel is 16-bit).
Sam, have you or can you run XP 32 bit and XP 64 bit and give a comparison on some performance becnhmarks? I haven't seen anything yet to nudge me into making the move.
I havent seen any benchies programs for 64bit yet but i can run the 32 bit benches. Ill post them up when i get done.
What I really want to see if apples-to-apples between the two OS's, to see if they really did much with the new OS to capitalize on the 64 bit architecture. Same app, different OS.

I haven't seen that yet, but if the major performance advantages aren't there or don't show up until you get past an insane amount of memory, what's the point?
Now we know why you haven't been around lately...working a second job to pay for an upgrade :p
nah i have no money in this whole setup. Course i dont have my dual xeon server anymore either.:(