I'm so sad


New Member
My cousin Brittany is movin' to Texas tomorrow and she was like a sister to me. Since I dont have any sibblings to go to for comfort I have to sit here and cry to myself. :crying5:
You can always rely on the the comforting words of Prof... :lol:

Just remember... telephones, car, trains and planes... not to mention greyhound buses... :)
i'm not old enough to drive and i dont have ne money to take a train/plain/bus to go see her and my parents will freak cuz long distance
Well nag them till they're happy to let you go and stay over for a couple of weeks - it is the holidays... or mope about the house looking miserable, that might work too... :evilgrin:

Heck, I flew to Gibralter from the UK(approx 2500 miles) on my own for 8 weeks when I was 13.
That'll take awhile cuz if my mom doesn't want to hear me all she has to do is turn down her hearing aid and my dad well he doesn't give in easy
BoyScout91689 said:
My cousin Brittany is movin' to Texas tomorrow and she was like a sister to me. Since I dont have any sibblings to go to for comfort I have to sit here and cry to myself. :crying5:

Don't happen to live in Sth Carolina do ya? If so, I would understand why you were so upset.. :p
HubbaHubba said:
get webcams and mic's then grab MSN6.0 ;)

i have a question for you guys :D

is 6 really better than 5?, 'cause 5 certainly wasn't better than 4.5, it was just bigger and with nicer colours :rolleyes:

I've noticed how the download is getting bigger and bigger with each version, wonder if the thingie will begin to be a resource eater as well.
I've never been able to get M$NM A/V chat working from behind a NAT router (unless I use DMZ). :mad:

Doesn't even work from behind ICS without opening about a bazillion ports. Stupid M$.

Luis i'm going to say yes. and plus ( www.msgplus.net ) uis availible for it now so theres no reason not to download it... pictures so if its someone you only know over the net you can see them, webcam thingy and i have gotten audio to work

OH and i dunno if you are a programmer or not but with plus you can edit in your own macros and such :nerd:
Luis: I'd DEFINATELY say 6 is better. If others have 6 you cna play games with them and have webcam chats and such.
I'll give it a try in a couple of weeks, 'cause that thing might have several exploits soon.
I"m American and I dun't get it, either. :( But I've never been near the Carolina's at all.... if htat matters any to 'getting it'. *hehe*