i'm using a dell!


New Member
yes, this pro-mac user owns a dell. at least it was free and i didn't have to spend one penny on it.

the first thing i did was download iTunes. but now i'm having issues transferring songs from my beautiful mac onto this laptop. eek. i give up :D
Hey, my almost free Dell works just fine. Well, better in Linux than in XP, but that's true of almost everything. ;)
I use my Dell Laptop on a daily basis. its another tool in my toolbox, I keep my collection of Chrysler\Dodge\Jeep service manuals in it, My collection of repair software, Mitchell OnDemand5, Mitchell UltraMate5, Mitchell Vintage5. And its my source of music both stored and online. it has not given me any problems in the year Ive owned it.
at work the PC guy orders gateway, though I'm not sure there's a good reason. as long as a computer will telnet/ssh and has a farily standards-based web browswer and java client i'm good to go.
Sorry about the Dell... I was hoping your first Windows computer would be a good one so you don't get a bad taste in your mouth. I'd make a joke about Dell's batteries en flambe, but Apple recalled a bunch of theirs too.
you see, i'm so mac-oriented i didn't even realize there are levels of pcs. aren't they all the same? *runs and hides* :D
Nope. Thats the trouble. Apples are all the same because it all comes from Apple. The PC universe has eleventy-jillion manufacturers for each and every component. Its a true Wild West universe trying to make sure all of the gears and whistles mesh into each other. There are as many types of PC under the sun as there straws in a hayfield. And just because it has a label like Dell on the outside, it doesn't mean for one second that the guts of the machine are copycats of each other.
I've had more problems with Dell servicers than the product itself. Forgetting to put screws back in laptops, inexperience, improper tools, etc.

* is a Dell Parts Direct tech