image of the Virgin Mary?


Well-Known Member
mineral deposit takes shape of Virgin Mary?

there is a pic about half way down.

i used to work there. i can see why the hospital covered it up. there is barely room enough for staff and visitors, let alone hundreds of people making a pilgrimage. the hospital was originally going to remove the window to display it elsewhere but they haven't yet. not sure why.
Whenever i see some of those i don't know what to think (but i tend to not believe it and see it as a work of the church), especially because of all the veneration that "La Virgen de Guadalupe" receives around here. Long story, assumed to be real, this is the image of it:
So do I... she was modelled on the mother goddess, just as many of the original saints were simply deities that the ancient church renamed when it was on it's crusade to convert the non-believers to christianity. :)
ash r said:
the precise reason i like her, as well!

This is the mother and child figure I keep in my bedroom, apart from anything else I love the look and the feel of the wood and the way that the grain has been used in the carving of the figure.

since they are unable to gaze upon the window,the faithful have now spotted the shape of a cross on a chimney....
Professur said:
I recall something about not making a graven image, and worshiping idols.

Quite laughable when you consider many churches are full of them.... e.g. 14 stations of the cross, christ on the crucifix, the saints, mary, icons, stained glass windows, etc.....

About 50% of this generation must have had it too... don't tell me a computer isn't some form of idol... :)
if i HAD to be of the christian faith, i would be catholic...

and even now, as a non-christian, i still love the imagery, the iconography... it's all so gorgeous...

ever notice how some of the figures in that kind of art, have a sort of glow to them?

i feel a... connection, of some sort, to mary. tho i dont doubt it's because she's modeled after the Mother Goddess, as mentioned earlier in this thread.